Your dog has a unique personality. And, while all dogs are individuals, there are certain traits that can be attributed to different breeds of dogs. Some of these traits can be seen as challenging, especially when it comes to making sure your beloved pet stays safely in your yard. As the owner of a dog with one (or more) of these potentially challenging traits or behaviors, you might be wondering if an underground pet fence will work for your dog.
The simple answer is yes! With the proper knowledge and training, your dog can be safely contained within an electronic pet containment system. This will give you and your family peace of mind and allow your dog to enjoy the yard.
Read on to learn more about specific, breed-related challenges and how Dog Guard® of Wisconsin can be the solution that’s right for your pet.
1) The Sporting Dog: Labrador Retriever

Said to be America’s favorite breed, Labrador retrievers are large, friendly, and athletic dogs. Before they came to play in our backyards, these dogs were bred to help duck hunters retrieve their catch.
As a result, labs are high-energy action dogs who love to run and chew on things. This can be challenging if they gnaw on your furniture or can’t sit still when you don’t have time to play.
Solutions for challenging Labrador behavior
- Playtime: Make sure you’re spending plenty of time playing with your dog and helping them get plenty of exercise through daily walks, games of fetch, or other mentally and physically stimulating activities.
- Keep your lab contained: Having a fenced yard for your dog to run freely is the ideal situation, but if you don’t have a fenced yard you could spend time letting your lab run at a dog park or get an underground dog fence; it’s more affordable than you might think.
- Dog Guard® tip for labs: Electronic fences are perfectly suited for Labrador Retrievers. Because of their eager-to-please nature, they are easily trained to stay within the boundaries.
For more information about Labrador Retrievers, take a look at the Labrador Club’s website.
2) The Hound Dog: Beagle

Beagles are smart, social dogs ruled by their noses. And, as every beagle owner knows, they are 20–30 pounds of pure attitude. Originally bred to hunt hares, these dogs are high-energy and love to chase.
Beagles, due to “selective deafness,” do not always come when you call and are avid escape artists. This could be an issue when they follow a scent too far or inevitably try to chase a squirrel out of your yard.
Solutions for challenging beagle behavior
- Allow your dog plenty of sniff time: Regularly take your beagle for long walks, and check out nearby dog parks to make sure your beagle has opportunities to roam and smell the world around them.
- Firmly train your beagle: Stubborn dogs are hard to train, so it’s important to understand what motivates them. Beagles respond particularly well to food rewards and firm discipline using both positive and negative reinforcement.
- Dog Guard® tip for beagles: An electronic pet containment system allows the dog freedom to enjoy the yard and sniff away! Try the receiver for medium and stubborn dogs and adjust the level of stimulation to match your dog.
3) The Toy Dog: Pomeranian

Pomeranians are intelligent, small-bodied dogs who enjoy snuggling inside and are highly adaptable to different environments. This breed originated from larger Arctic sled dogs. As a result, they have all the energy and assertiveness of a much larger dog bundled into a smaller package.
Pomeranians tend to be territorial and stubborn. Because of their small size, they are somewhat delicate and have a fearful nature. They tend to be vocal, and are good at guarding. However, they may be aggressive towards visitors and other dogs.
Solutions for challenging Pomeranian behavior
- Understand their fears: Learn what makes your dog anxious, and help them feel more secure. If a chaotic environment is making your Pomeranian nervous and hyperactive, provide a calmer environment. If it barks at visitors and passers-by, try to spend time training in your yard to help your dog feel more comfortable with these types of situations and reduce their territorial feelings.
- Control their territory: You may need to set your underground fence border well away from the edge of the yard if your dog is territorial. For physical fences or barriers, make sure that you choose an option that does not have little gaps that the Pomeranian can slip through.
- Dog Guard® tip for Pomeranians: Because of their fearful nature, they may need a little extra training with an electric fence. Use the collar for toy dogs with the DG4 Micro Receiver. Don’t use a high correction level. Instead, start mild, and adjust if needed.
4) The Non-Sporting Dog: Standard Poodle

Standard poodles are territorial, smart, large-bodied dogs. They are highly athletic and were originally used as retrievers for duck hunting despite being classified in the non-sporting category.
While poodles are large, they can be anxious, and experience separation anxiety if they are away from their humans for too long. Overall, standard poodles tend to have a reserved, vigilant temperament that requires a calm, controlled atmosphere. Poodles may feel uncomfortable in highly active settings with many competing stimuli, such as when several small children are present.
Solutions for challenging poodle behavior
- Read your dog’s mood: Avoid being rough with your poodle, and provide it with a controlled environment where it can feel relaxed.
- Exercise with your poodle: Instead of going for a hike or jog alone, take your poodle with you. It will give them the exercise they crave and keep them from experiencing anxiety. Play fetch with your poodle in order to stimulate their mind and satisfy their hunting instincts.
- Dog Guard® tip for standard poodles: Socialize your dog in the yard to build their trust in you and the containment system. Collar size will be dependent on the temperament of the dog and level of distraction in the area.
5) The Working Dog: Great Dane

Great Danes are large, stately dogs that began as a breed for hunting and guarding. Later, they became favored as companions because of their loyal and patient temperaments.
Great Danes tend to be friendly and good-natured, but can become bossy. They are an extroverted breed that craves social interaction, and, like poodles, can experience separation anxiety when away from their humans. Due to their athleticism and enormous size, they need space to play outside the house.
Solutions for challenging Great Dane behavior
- Train them to obey you: Because of their large size and assertiveness, obedience training is particularly important. If you have a puppy, consider enrolling them in socialization classes.
- Satisfy their social needs: While Great Danes don’t need as much exercise as some dogs, they crave social activities. They may get lonely and bored (not to mention destructive) if left alone in the house for too long. Give them lots of love and expose them to new people, dogs, and places. Going to a dog park or walking around the neighborhood are two easy solutions.
- Dog Guard® tip for Great Danes: Big-bodied dogs need space to run. Installing an electronic pet containment system allows them plenty of room to stretch their long legs in the yard. Use an extra large collar and adjust the correction level based on the temperament of your dog. You may need to consider the dog’s size and their level of fear from passers by when setting the boundaries.
For more information about behavior problems in Great Danes, check out this article.
6) The Herding Dog: Border Collie

Border collies are moderate-bodied dogs with boundless levels of energy. They tend to be friendly but stubborn, and are accustomed to being away from their owners for longer periods of time. Bred for herding livestock and as smart as they come, these dogs need stimulation and plenty of exercise.
Border collies tend to be skilled escape artists. As herding dogs, collies respond to slight changes in their environment, such as sudden movements or loud noises, and react quickly. As a result, they have a tendency to run after prey, spontaneously herd animals or people, and become distressed by too much noise. They may be nippy if they’ve found this to be an effective tactic for getting what they want.
Solutions for challenging border collie behavior
- Provide opportunities to work: Border collies love having tasks to do, and enjoy sports. However, avoid overworking them. As herding dogs, they are bred to spring into action when a sheep begins to stray, but spend much of their day idle.
- Provide gentle, firm discipline: These dogs are stubborn, highly intelligent, and sensitive. As a result, they learn quickly and test their owners. Harsh discipline may cause fear in your collie, but allowing your collie to get away with bad behavior will teach the collie to repeat it. Socialize your dog early, and do obedience training. Border collies like to please you and will learn quickly what they can and cannot do if you are consistent.
- Dog Guard® tip for border collies: Border collies need lots of exercise. An electronic pet containment system allows border collies the freedom to run around the yard while discouraging them from bolting after prey.
7) The Terrier Dog: Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell terriers are wonderfully intelligent and active small-bodied dogs. They are constantly alert as well as highly territorial, and can have aggressive natures due to their breeding as fox hunting dogs.
Like border collies, Jack Russells tend to test their owner’s dominance by seeing what behaviors they can and can’t get away with. They need supervision and lots of attention, and will become destructive if left to their own devices for too long.
Solutions for challenging Jack Russell terrier behavior
- Correct behavior early and firmly: Discipline your Jack Russell as soon as they disrespect you, and do not allow bad behaviors (such as biting) to be repeated.
- Keep them busy: Jack Russells are hunters first and foremost. They love to explore, dig, and hunt. Give them regular exercise, play, and chew toys to avoid destructive behaviors. Jack Russels love fetching games and participating in sports.
- Dog Guard® tip for Jack Russel terriers: By fencing your yard, you give your Jack Russell the opportunity to roam and hunt. You may need to customize the underground fence to keep your dog away from the edge of your property in order to avoid confrontations with other dogs. Adjust the correction level to your dog’s temperament. They likely will need a micro collar but may need a DG4 for more stubborn dogs.